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How 20,000 Worms Transformed this Building [Interview]

我们将与AMA Plaza的助理物业经理Yordanos Ghdey与Riverview物业管理公司进行对话,开始一系列十大网赌靠谱网址平台可持续屋顶和倡议的新故事. Yordanos向我们介绍了AMA广场的蠕虫堆肥项目的来由和来由,该项目位于48号公路上th 地板上(确切地说是20000只蠕虫)——这个城市的第一个大规模商业堆肥项目.

How did the idea of worm composting originate?

Yordanos Ghdey: We began investigating the concept of composting in 2008, 当时十大网赌靠谱网址平台大都市区还没有商业堆肥能力.  As our knowledge of sustainability increased, 我们通过蚯蚓堆肥顾问发现了蚯蚓堆肥或蚯蚓堆肥.  In 2009, 我们成为了纽约市第一个大规模的商业化蠕虫堆肥项目,000 worms, which have since increased to 20,000.

What was involved in setting up a worm composting operation?

Yordanos Ghdey: 我们首先必须了解在建筑内成功进行蠕虫堆肥的要求, including the maintenance responsibilities, to ensure the worms’ environment is safe. We settled on a location in the 48th 楼层机械房,提供舒适一致的温驯环境. Because the worms are self-managing, we simply needed a container, bedding and waste material to serve as food and nutrients. The worms at AMA Plaza are Eisenia Fetida worms – also known as red worms.

What kind of maintenance is involved?

Yordanos Ghdey: The maintenance is minimal. The management staff, along with an employee from Café 330, 每周检查一次或两次,以评估它们的食物消耗和环境. If too much food is provided, 它可能会发霉,从而形成一个易受其他微生物侵扰的脆弱系统. If food has become anaerobic, it may begin to smell, 但这些食物仍然可以被蠕虫食用,所以我们只是在上面加了大量潮湿的纸板或碎纸纸,并相应地调整喂食时间表. We also check on the compost level at this time. If the amount of compost produced is not efficient, 这是一个警告信号,表明需要对蠕虫的健康进行额外的照顾.

Additionally,  第三方协助由蚯蚓堆肥专业人员提供,每年一到两次-或根据需要-检查蠕虫并确认蠕虫产生的堆肥水平是足够的. 我们也有我们的管理团队成员的支持,我们咖啡馆的一名员工用剩下的食物喂虫子晚餐,并确保它们的床上用品和环境的水分含量足够.

What food do the worms eat?

Yordanos Ghdey: 这种蠕虫可以消化任何可分解的食物,包括被分解成小块的水果和蔬菜,以及咖啡粉. 撕碎的纸和纸板被添加到垃圾桶的顶部,以提供纤维来源, and foster a dark and moist environment which discourages fruit flies. 如果堆肥太厚或需要补充水分,我们还会添加椰子碎,以提供额外的营养. They should not be fed meat, poultry, fish, dairy, junk food or any fruits that are high in citrus such as oranges, limes and lemons. Non–biodegradable materials should never enter the bin. The worms eat about 5,200 pounds of food a year.

Why is this initiative so important to the AMA Plaza?

Yordanos Ghdey: 堆肥不仅将办公环境与自然环境联系起来, it also promotes healthier plant growth in our plaza plant beds. The castings of the worms, which are essentially the     compost, have high water retention which is beneficial in the event of a dry spell. 堆肥还具有缓慢的营养释放,这意味着营养物质释放缓慢,因此植物在一段时间内获得所需的营养. 相比之下,化肥会使植物一次吸收大量的养分,使其过度饱和. When it rains, 土壤中的营养物质被冲走,化学物质会渗入饮用水管道.

How do you use your compost?

Yordanos Ghdey: 堆肥很容易从垃圾桶底部移走,因为蠕虫会被吸引到食物来源所在的顶部. Once the compost falls to the bottom of the bin, we remove it and store it for our outdoor landscaping. When the flowers are replaced in the spring, summer, and fall, 堆肥与土壤混合,提供有机土壤调理剂以及天然肥料.

What other green features does your building feature?

Yordanos Ghdey: 我们在AMA广场有几项绿色倡议,我们很自豪能成为十大网赌靠谱网址平台市许多倡议的领导者.  我们提供强有力的回收计划,包括免费回收电池和电子废物. 我们还在租户空间内提供食物堆肥,我们每周安排一次,以使租户更容易接受这个概念,并作为回报, increase participation.  Other features include a 6,500 square foot vegetated roof, green cleaning program; water conservation programs, closed-loop paper and product purchasing, traffic reduction initiatives and a materials re-use procedure.


Yordanos Ghdey: The initial set-up for the worms is minimal, 我们可以使用从建筑中回收的食物和其他材料, so it is a very low-cost program.

The bin, which is self-contained and odorless, 通风良好,蠕虫非常清楚它们所在的垃圾箱的大小. 因为蠕虫是雌雄同体的,每7到10天就能结一个茧, one would think they would quickly overpopulate, however, they have an innate ability to control their population. 食物的可得性、垃圾箱的大小和环境的污染都降低了它们的繁殖.

商业堆肥确实需要额外的生物袋(它可以容纳材料并与有机材料一起降解)和去除成本.  这一成本在一定程度上被从物业中移除的废物的减少所抵消.

How do you involve your tenants with composting?

Yordanos Ghdey: 由于蚯蚓堆肥的规模较小,租户不直接参与该计划. 租户们都知道这个项目,图片在社交媒体和大厅幻灯片上分享. In 2014, 我们举办了一个活动,向租户介绍更大规模的食物堆肥过程和好处, and invited them to participate. We also provided incentives in collaboration with Waste Management, which handles the food compost pick-up for the building. 一旦租户意识到这个过程是多么简单,并且不需要他们付出太多努力, they were very open to the idea. We currently have eight companies composting within the building, including the management office and the hotel. 我们继续通过教育、参观和演示来吸引租户.


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